
Heartstopper-Bundle (engl.)

Buch-Set (5 Bände)

  • Text/Illustrationen: Alice Oseman
  • ab 12 Jahren
  • Softcover, Seitenanzahl: Bd.1 - 288, Bd. 2 - 320, Bd. 3 - 384, Bd. 4 - 384, Bd. 5 - 336
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • 153 x 234 mm
  • ISBN: Bd. 1 - 9781444951387; Bd. 2 - 9781444951400; Bd. 3 - 9781444952773; Bd. 4: 9781444952797; Bd. 5: 9781444957655
  • Verlag: Hodder Children's Books
  • Artikelnummer: G-9781444957655
  • 1 Stück auf Lager

50,00 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit: ca. 2-4 Werktage**
In den Warenkorb:
Bundle-Set aus den fünf bisher erschienenen Heartstopper-Bänden auf Englisch zum vergünstigten Preis!
Eine Serie von Graphic Novels über queere, jugendliche Liebe mit einem trans Mädchen als Nebenfigur ab Band 2, die dann immer häufiger auftaucht - im Gegensatz zu einem der Hauptcharaktere hat sie Ihr Coming-Out schon hinter sich. Sie ist in einen ihrer Freunde verliebt und (Spoiler) ab Band 3 gehen die beiden zusammen aus. Während erwähnt wird, dass einige Charaktere bei ihren in der Vergangenheit liegenden Coming-Outs gemobbt wurden, geht es in der Geschichte selbst vor allem um gegenseitige Unterstützung und auch die Eltern und Lehrerenden unterstützen die Jugendlichen (wie es sein sollte) und sind zum Teil selbst queer. Die deutschen Ausgaben von Heartstopper, die Malbücher sowie weitere Bücher von Alice Oseman gibt es hier.
Verlagsbeschreibungen der 5 Bände:
Band 1: Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they’ve never met … until one day when they’re made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn’t think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised.
Band 2: Nick and Charlie are best friends. Nick knows Charlie’s gay, and Charlie is sure that Nick isn’t. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is discovering all kinds of things about his friends, his family … and himself.
Band 3: Charlie didn’t think Nick could ever like him back, but now they’re officially boyfriends. Nick’s even found the courage to come out to his mum. But coming out isn’t just something that happens once – there’s Nick’s older brother, and a school trip to Paris, not to mention all the other friends and family – and life can be hard, even with someone who loves you by your side. As their feelings get more serious, Charlie and Nick will need each other more than ever before.
Band 4: Charlie didn’t think Nick could ever like him back, but now they’re officially boyfriends. Charlie’s beginning to feel ready to say those three little words: I love you. Nick’s been feeling the same, but he’s got a lot on his mind – not least coming out to his dad, and the fact that Charlie might have an eating disorder. As summer turns to autumn and a new school year begins, Charlie and Nick are about to learn a lot about what love means.

Band 5: Nick and Charlie are very much in love. They’ve finally said those three little words, and Charlie has almost persuaded his mum to let him sleep over at Nick’s house … But with Nick going off to university next year, is everything about to change? Contains discussions around mental health and eating disorders, and sexual references.

Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie’s lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.
** Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Informationen zur Berechnung des Liefertermins siehehier.

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