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Gender is a social construct


5,00 €
inkl. MwSt.,
zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit: ca. 2-4 Werktage**


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50mm-Button mit der Zeichnung eines Tellers mit Buchstabensuppe, wobei die Nudeln den Text "Gender is a social construct" formen. Beschreibung der Künstlerin:


This self- designed button shows a bowl of alphabet soup with the noodles spelling the words ‘gender is a social construct’.
As queer people and feminists around the world have spent the last decades fighting for acceptance and equality, there are more and more experiences and historical evidence surfacing which confirm that, in fact, gender is a social construct. It’s time to let go of ideals that tie the gender a person is assigned at birth to what they can or can’t do. All identities and sexualities are valid. I mean even the soup says it so it must be true!
This button is great to let your trans and non- binary friends know their identity is valid, regardless of what is expected from them societally. However, even if you can’t think of anyone who might appreciate receiving this sticker right now, it can be a great reminder for you that your identity or sexuality should never stand between you and your interests.

Weitere Artikel von Baschdlmaidli findet Ihr hier.

  • Kunst/Design: Baschdlmaidli
  • Mit Sicherheitsnadel auf der Rückseite zum Befestigen am Kleidungsstück.
  • Durchmesser: 50 mm
  • Hersteller*in: Baschdlmaidli
  • Produktnummer: 2235-BU-Giasc-BM
  • 2 Stück auf Lager

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