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Proud of You


2,00 €
inkl. MwSt.,
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Lieferzeit: ca. 2-4 Werktage**


  • Beschreibung
  • Details

Postkarte auf der graue Fliesen zu sehen sind auf denen mit bunter Kreide steht "I'm proud of you!" Beschreibung der Künstlerin:


This self- designed postcard shows grey tiles with a colorful chalk- lettering that reads ‘I’m proud of you’.

It’s a small phrase with a lot of impact that can be said in a variety of situations. Unfortunately, it barely gets voiced enough. Your sibling did great on a test they were nervous about? Your friend outed themselves as queer? Your family member reached out for help when they were scared to do so? This sounds like the perfect time for this postcard to me!

This card is part of the may collection which I designed to let our loved ones know that they matter to us and are valid. This especially applies to members of the LGBTQIA+ community who, due to the discrimination they face on a daily basis, are more likely to suffer from exclusion, loneliness and even mental illness.

This postcard is great for so many situations. If you don’t remember the last time you told someone you were proud of them, now’s the time to get this card, send it to them and throw love around like confetti! If you want to get several cards, you can even get a postcard pack and save yourself some money while getting ready to spread love!

The design is printed on 300g recycling paper in the standard DIN A6 postcard format (10,5x 14,8cm).

Weitere Artikel von Baschdlmaidli findet Ihr hier.

  • Kunst/Design: Baschdlmaidli
  • Querformat, Din A6: 14,8cm x 10,5 cm
  • Hersteller*in: Baschdlmaidli
  • Produktnummer: 2241-PK-proud-BM
  • 3 Stück auf Lager

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